

NUBU annual report 2018

NUBU's annual report for 2018 is now available in English. NUBU's annual report provides an insight into the center's social mission, results and some of the year's important events.

NUBU's mission is to strengthen and support the family, child and youth development opportunities. This includes preventing and reducing children's and young people's serious problem behavior and strengthening their psychosocial development and competence. Foto: Illustrasjonsbilde Colourbox.

In NUBU's annual report for 2018, you can read about our work on service support and implementation, dissemination and information work, NUBU in the media, research and development, publications, and the annual accounts.

You can read our annual report for 2018 here.

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NUBU – Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge

Essendrops gate 3
Postboks 7053 Majorstuen
0306 Oslo

Tlf: 23 20 58 00
Epost: post@nubu.no

Organisasjonsnummer: 985.638.187.
Elektronisk faktura: Invoice.907386@vismabpo.no

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Nettredaktør: Ida Viksveen Larsen. Ansvarlig redaktør: Kristine Amlund Hagen. ©2022 | Personvern | Tilgjengelighetserklæring