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Publikasjoner 2015

Publiserte artikler med fagfellevurdering

Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A., Ulleberg, P., & Janson, H. (2015). Measuring effortful control using the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire – Very Short Form: Modeling matters. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98, 100–109. doi:10.1080/00223891.2015.1056303

Bjørknes, R., Larsen, M., Gwanzura-Ottemöller, F., & Kjøbli, J. (2015). Exploring mental distress among immigrant mothers participating in parent training. Children and Youth Services Review, 51, 10–17.

Bjørnebekk, G., Kjøbli, J., & Ogden, T. (2015). Children with Conduct Problems and Co-occurring ADHD: Behavioral Improvements Following Parent Management Training. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 37, 1−19.

Dearing, E., Zachrisson, H. D., & Nærde, A. (2015). Faint and Fading Associations between Age of Entry into Child Care and Aggression for Young Norwegian Children. Psychological Science, 26, 1596–1607.

Dyregrov, A., Dyregrov, K., Endsjø, M., & Idsøe, T. (2015). Teachers' perception of bereaved children's academic performance. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 8, 187–198.

Dyregrov, K., Endsjø, M., Idsøe, T., & Dyregrov A. (2015). Suggestions for the ideal follow-up for bereaved students as seen by school personnel. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 20, 289–301.

Frønes, I. (2015). The Absence of Failure: Children at Risk in the Knowledge Based Economy. Child Indicators Research, 9, 247–260. doi:10.1007/s12187-015-9309-3

Garvik, M., Idsøe, T., & Bru, E. (2015). Motivation and Social Relations in School Following av CBT Course for Adolescents with Depressive Symptoms: An Effectiveness Study. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60, 219–239. doi:10.1080/00313831.2015.1017838

Hukkelberg, S. S., & Ogden, T. (2015). The short Working Alliance Inventory in parent training: Factor structure and longitudinal invariance. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 719–726. doi:10.1080/10503307.2015.1119328

Keles, S., Friborg, O., Idsøe, T., Sirin, S., & Oppedal, B. (2015). Depression among unaccompanied minor refugees: The relative contribution of general and acculturation-specific daily hassles. Ethnicity & health, 21, 300–317. doi:10.1080/13557858.2015.1065310

Kendall, P. Cl, Dummings, C. M., Villabo, M. A., Naarayanan, M. K., Treadwell, K., Birmaher, B., ... Albano, A. M. (2015). Medators of Change in the Child / Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Treatment Study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 1–14. doi:10.1037/a0039773

Kjøge, A., Turtumøygard, T., Berge, T., & Ogden, T. (2015). From training to practice: A survey study of clinical challenges in implementing cognitive behavioural therapy in Norway. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8, 1−16. doi:10.1037/a0039773

Nielsen, M. B., Tangen, T., Idsøe, T., & Ogden, T. (2015). Post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of bullying at work and at school. A litterature review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 21, 17–24. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2015.01.001

Nordahl, K. B., Zambrana, I. M., & Forgatch, M. S. (2015). Risk and protective factors related to fathers’ positive involvement and negative reinforcement with one-year-olds. Parenting: Science and Practice, 16, 1–21. Taylor & Francis Online. doi:10.1080/15295192.2016.1116891

Ogden, T. (2015). Elever med problematferd. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, nr. 5–6, 30–48.

Oppedal, B., & Idsøe, T. (2015). The role of social support in the acculturation and mental health of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. Scandinavian journal og psychology, 56, 203–211. doi:10.0000/sjop.12194 

Ribeiro, L., Zachrisson, H. D., Gustavson, K., & Schølberg, S. (2015). Maternal distress during pregnancy and language development in preschool age: A population-based cohort study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13, 20–39. doi:10.1080/17405629.2015.1050373

Sibley, E., Dearing, E., Toppelberg, C. O., Mykletun, A., & Zachrisson, H. D. (2015). Does Increased Availability and Reduced Cost of Early Childhood Care and Education Narrow Social Inequality Gaps in Utilization? Evidence from Norway. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 9:1 doi:10.1007/s40723-014-0004-5 

Staer, T. (2015). Risk and Marginalization in the Norwegian Welfare Society: a National cohort Study of Child Welfare Involvement. Child indicator research, 9, 445–470. doi:10.1007/s12187-015-9319-1

Sørlie, M-A., & Ogden, T. (2015). School-Wide Positive Behavior Support – Norway. Impacts on problem behavior and classroom climate. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 3, 202−217. doi:10.1080/21683603.2015.1060912 

Sørlie, M-A., Ogden, T., & Olseth, A. R. (2015). Preventing problem behavior in school through school-wide staff empowerment: Intervention outcomes. World Journal of Educational Research, 2, 117−139. doi:10.22158/wjer.v2n2p117  

Torsheim, T., Sørlie, M-A., Olseth, A. R., & Bjørnebekk, G. (2015). Environmental and temperamental correlates of alcohol user patterns in grade 7 students. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 32, 605–622. doi: 10.1515/nsad-2015-0057 

Tømmeraas, T., & Ogden, T. (2015). Is There a Scale-up Penalty? Testing Behavioral Change in the Scaling up of Parent Management Training in Norway. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 1–14. doi:10.1007/s10488-015-07123

Zambrana, I. M., Dearing, E., Nærde, A., & Zachrisson, H. D. (2015). Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 24, 793–806. doi:10.1080/1350293X.2015.1035538

Publiserte artikler uten fagfellevurdering

Backer-Grøndahl, A., & Nærde, A. (2015). Den viktige og vanskelige selvreguleringen hos barn. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 52, 497−502.

Sørlie, M-A., Ogden, T., & Vannebo, A. (2015). Skoleprogram bedrer læringsmiljøet. Kronikk. forebygging.no

Publiserte bøker, bokkapitler og rapporter


Ogden, T. (2015). Sosial kompetanse og problematferd blant barn og unge. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.  

Ogden, T. (2015). Klasseledelse. Praksis, teori og forskning. Fredrikshavn: Dafolo forlag.

Tollefsen, N. (2015). Læringsbasert rusbehandling i MST. Manual oversatt og tilpasset til norske forhold, i samarbeid med MST-konsulenter i Bufdir. Med utgangspunkt i Henggeler, S. W. et al. (2012). Contingency Management for Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Practitioner’s Guide. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

DeGarmo, D., Nordahl, K. B., & Fabiano, G. A. (2015). Fathers and Coercion Dynamics in Families: Developmental Impact, Implications and Intervention. In: T. J. Dishion & J. Snyder (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Coercive Relationship Dynamics. New York: Oxford University Press, Oxford Handbooks Online.

Frønes, I. (2015). Kampen om barndommen. I: Lasse Heyerdahl-Larsen (red.) 5-åringene – mellom lekende læring og undervisning. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Frønes, I. (2015). Tegn, ting og mening (med Ragnhild Brusdal)  I; H. Larsen, (red.). Kultursosiologisk forskning. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Frønes, I. (2015). Økningen i antall tilmeldte til barnevernet. Rapport ISBN 978-82-93406-01-3. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Sørlie, M-A., & Holt, P. (2015). Vurdering av en forskningsprotokoll for evaluering av skoleprogrammet «Mitt valg», utarbeidet ved Institutt for atferdsvitenskap, Høyskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Rapport. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.


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