Artikler med fagfellevurdering
Brunborg, G.S., Bjørknes, R. & Bang, L. (2024). Personal Barriers to Reporting Child Maltreatment Among Early Childhood Education and Care Professionals. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice.
Hay, A. F., Vink, J., Thøgersen, D. M. & Suoheimo, M. (2024). Why Service Designers Struggle to Address Power Dynamics? Strategic Design Research Journal.
Krygsman, A., Vaillancourt, T., Janson, H., Idsøe, T. & Nærde, A. (2024). Depression symptoms, communication and cooperation skills, and friendship: longitudinal associations in young Norwegian children. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Lehmann, S., Skogen, J.C., Sandal, G.M., Bjørknes, R., Haug, E., Fadnes, L.T., Mæland, S., & Mowat Haugland, B.S. (2024) Stress and coping strategies among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based cohort study. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29:1, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2024.2331593
Malmberg-Heimonen, I., Finne, J., Tøge, A.G., Pedersen, E., Pontoppidan, M., Dion, J. & Tømmerås, T. (2024) Interventions to Reduce Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review with a Narrative Synthesis. International Journal on Child Maltreatment.
Nærde, A., Janson, H. & Stoolmiller, M. (2024). Modeling trajectories of physical aggression from infancy to pre-school age, their early predictors, and school-age outcomes. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0291704.
Olseth, A. R., Hagen, K. A., Keles, S., & Bjørnebekk, G. (2024). Functional family therapy for adolescent disruptive behavior in Norway: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.
Putnam, S. P., Sehic, E., French, B. F., Gartstein, M. A., Lira Luttges, B., & 486 Additional Partners in the Global Temperament Project. (2024). The Global Temperament Project: Parent-reported temperament in infants, toddlers, and children from 59 nations. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication.
Tømmerås, T., Backer-Grøndahl, A., Høstmælingen, A., Laland, H., Gomez, M.B., Apeland, A., Karlsson, L.R., Grønlie, A.A, Torsvik, S., Bringedal, G., Aas, M., Fisher, P., Gardner, F., Kjøbli, J., Malmberg-Heimonen, I. & Nissen-Lie, H. (2024). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of supportive parents – coping kids (SPARCK)—a transdiagnostic and personalized parent training intervention to prevent childhood mental health problems. BMC Psychol 12, 264 (2024).
Artikler uten fagfellevurdering
Sørlie, M-A. (2024). Kollektiv mestringstro i skolen – et viktig, men oversett tema. Bedre Skole, 2, 52-57.